Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Eat Pray Love

Everyone goes through tough break-ups in their lifetime. Its part of the human condition. I too have been through those, and these events injure one's heart in strange ways. The person who gets their heart broken suffers, but so does the person who is responsible for that heartbreak. When a person knows or realizes their relationship is no longer what it was, or if they realize it never became what you wanted or needed, or even if the relationship becomes a trap, that person suffers too. They fight in their minds about implications, decisions, and the upcoming confrontation, and it is a painful process that sometimes goes on for weeks, months, and in some couple's lives, even years. Its a place where both parties are unhappy. The "destroyer" fights daily trying to resolve how to avoid hurting the person they have spend a given amount of time with, and the "destroyee" usually senses the issue and fights internally about how to avoid the confrontation because they do not want to be lonely and hurt. Once that confrontation occurs, the "destroyee" is the one hurt, as the "destroyer" becomes someone who is the center of anger, blame, remorse. This person suffers just as much as the other. Loneliness becomes their only friend, inside they're heart. This person fights within themselves: "did I do the right thing?", "why did it have to come to this?", "how could I have avoided such a situation?", and so on. It is a terrible place to be. But once the horrible grieving process subdues, a bright happiness fills the heart. The person's heart and mind open up to seeing what could be next. Doors open, ideas formulate, dreams become motivations, freedom rings!

Watching "Eat Pray Love" today made me realize that everything will be OK. If you let your heart and your mind free of past grievances, blames and pains, you will find warmth and happiness and a place where you are once again in control of yourself. You become balanced. while I have started this process a few months ago, I did not truly understand how to move on. I understand now. Your physical life is short, and spending too much time dwelling on the past will shorten your future and most importantly your present. You must move on and take in what come your way, take chances and make firm decisions.

Anyone who has gone through heartache, or became lost in their lives, should see this movie/read the book. The book will be my next step. The story made an impact on me, and I hope others can have the same revelations as I did. I'm happy :-)

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