Tuesday, March 29, 2011

GRE update.

I've figured out a pretty good study schedule. I read all the materials and the "tricks and traps" associated with this test last week, and now I'me ready to start conquering and acquiring info.

Tuesdays - Math 7- 10ish
Wednesdays - Vocabulary and Writing 7-10ish
Thursdays - Break
Fridays - Review of weakest points in the week
Saturdays - Break
Sundays - Break but do vocab whenever have time
Mondays - Break but do vocab whenever have time

I started today for real, with math. At first it was fun actually...because I like some aspects of math....and then I realized how little I remember. Today I did Geometry. I realize I need a lot of work!! Its OK though...It was the first real study day and therefore mind shock is something I expected. We shall see how I feel about tomorrow's study session.

Now of course as the time gets closer I will probably increase my studying, unless by then I feel like I can handle it....I have 4 months. My Sundays and Mondays will be spend doing that vocabulary on the train rides to NYC....a good 2 hours total on each day. I'm planning on splitting my vocab flash cards into approximately 40 words a week... and add words I have problems grasping to the emergency pile that I'll go over in the weeks closest to the test.

Have approximately 15 weeks!

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