Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The High Line

NYC has its little treasures...one of these treasures is the High Line. This magical place is a park, built atop old freight train tracks. This railway used to supply the meatpacking district and other area companies with goods, as well as pick up goods to freight to other places. It was very useful in the 30's (when it was built). This tool was used into the 80's until, I suppose, the advent of owning your own supply trucks and such started being more popular. So what happened to the tracks? They were abandoned. In 1999, the tracks were supposed to be demolished. The unused tracks were a wasteland, and affecting the neighborhood below...But some residents were unhappy with this demolition derby, so they fought back with an organization known as Friends of the High Line. In 2002 the organization finally made headway with their ideas to use the tracks as a public space, and the redesign of the High Line started to materialize. In April 2006 construction began, and by June 2009 the first section of the park opened to the public! In 2011, section 2 is due to open and eventually section 3. So far the place is beautiful...and even though its late winter, and most of the plants are dried up, dead, or hibernating, it is still an incredible place to explore...the views are amazing, and you're left in awe that such a place can exist in such a busy section of town.

I cannot wait to go back in the Spring and the Summer...and I suppose Autumn is gorgeous there too...

for more information about this treasure, check out their website:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's beautiful. I cannot wait to visit this nice place.
    On a side note, I am having a hard time reading your font. It all blurs for me =(
