Tuesday, March 8, 2011

sometimes things happen when you least expect them...


I did not get my license. Not because I'm a bad driver, or because I didn't wake up for my appointment, but because on Friday evening, while practicing with my mom, we were in an accident. We were stopped on a red light, and suddenly, when we least expected it, we got rear ended HARD. Our car got pushed across the intersection, and thankfully no cars were coming horizontally to us. I managed to steer to the right and stop at the corner. Gasoline was dripping out of the gas tank. The "rescue team" got there so quickly. Luckily nothing happened to us, as we were strapped in with out seat belts...also the fact that we didn't see it coming, and were relaxed, helped us a lot. At the hospital, we found out that our calf muscles spasmed, and that's about it. We recieved some muscle relaxers and pain medication. A police officer showed up to talk to us while we were there. He told us that the man driving suffered from a medical condition called a petit mal seizure, or abscence seizure. This causes a person to blank out completely, freeze in action, and 30 to 90 seconds later, its over. The person continues on not knowing anything happened... The driver had no idea he was involved in a crash. I would think someone with such a condition should NOT be behind the wheel, because he or she endangers hundreds of people around them. The police officer proved my theory right, and said that man's license was taken away until a doctor can claim he is "cured" or able. It was scary, an accident BEFORE even holding a license in my hands... Sadly my mom's car-baby is most likely totaled, but we will find out as the week progresses. At least we're ok and alive.

In the morning I called the DMV to attempt a reschedule, and a very nice agent helped me. My next appointment is on March 26th. Hopefully nothing stands in my way next time.

Everything happens for a reason, but what reason was there here? am I going to find out eventually, or did the meaning escape me as I thanked God I was alright?

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